betinaavdullahu Author


MEST presented the Functional Review Report

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) presented the Functional Review Report of MEST, which was done with the support of...

May 2, 2018

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The State Quality Council was established

The Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Shyqiri Bytyqi held the first constitutive meeting of the State Quality Council, where...

April 27, 2018

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Minister Bytyqi hosted a delegation from Montenegro

The Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Shyqiri Bytyqi hosted Minister for Minorities and Human Rights, Mehmet Zenka, Deputy...

April 27, 2018

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Deputy Minister Sahiti attended the Conference “Education for the Future”

Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Heset Sahiti attended the two-day conference “Education for the Future,...

April 26, 2018

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MEST presents the Education Indicators Framework in Kosova

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), with the support of UNICEF (Office in Kosova), presented the Education Indicators...

March 22, 2018

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MEST presents the Annual Evaluation Report of KESP 2017/2021

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has presented the Annual Evaluation Report of the Kosova Education Strategic Plan...

March 15, 2018

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Minister Bytyqi attended the Conference on Strengthening the National Contact Points System in Kosova

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Shyqiri Bytyqi participated in a conference where the existing practices regarding...

March 13, 2018

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On Monday the first teaching hour is devoted to the history of the KLA Epopee

Minister of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), Shyqyri Bytyqi has decided that on Monday (March 5, 2018), the first teaching hour in...

March 2, 2018

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