MEST presents the Education Indicators Framework in Kosova

March 22, 2018

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), with the support of UNICEF (Office in Kosova), presented the Education Indicators Framework in Kosova, The annual statistical report with key indicators for pre-university education and the guide for calculating expenditures in pre-university education. The published documents were considered extremely important and influential in the design of future education policies and transparency increase.

The Education Indicators Framework in Kosovo contains 39 indicators divided into: access and participation, internal efficiency, learning conditions and financial resources.

Minister of Education, Shyqiri Bytyqi on this occasion has estimated that the documents being published provide a clear overview of the planning and serve as a guide for calculating the expenditure and steps that should be taken.

Minister Bytyqi once again stressed that the on-going engagements in the development of the education system show the commitment of the Government of Kosova to the development of this important sector for the country, while added that, to achieve this objective, Kosova needs support from various international and local partners.

“This document, which we are presenting today, is a very important document for the Ministry of Education because we will have different information and parameters that will help us create clear policies about sustainable development of education in Kosova, as a special importance sector”, said the Minister.

Minister Bytyqi estimated that, having clarity of the education policy development, the country will be able to be developed as well in other areas. 

Meanwhile, UNICEF chief for Kosovo, Brandao Co, said that the Education Indicators Framework in Kosovo and other documents will produce positive effects in the future, because they are extremely important documents that will affect the design of education policies and improvement of situation in the future.

The published documents are conducted by the Ministry of Education, in close cooperation with the UNICEF Office in Kosova, the Ministry of Finance and the Kosova Agency of Statistics.

Last modified: September 8, 2022

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