Minister Bytyqi hosted a delegation from Montenegro

April 27, 2018

The Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Shyqiri Bytyqi hosted Minister for Minorities and Human Rights, Mehmet Zenka, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education, Marash Dukaj, accompanied by Enver Buçaj, Consul in Montenegro.

On this occasion, was discussed about the possibilities of cooperation in the field of education, namely the provision of quotas for student registration and the exemption from payment on the occasion of housing in dormitories. 

Minister Bytyqi said that he is ready to support the upbringing and education of the young Albanians of Montenegro and that this is a national obligation, while regarding the issue of quotas, more precisely a conversation with a university is needed with our public to see opportunities they have.

Minister Bytyqi also said that he is interested in resolving this issue for a long period of time and will insist that this be done in coordination with the Ministry of Education of Albania and in conversation with the representatives of the Albanians of Montenegro, Presevo and Macedonia.

“My approach in this direction will be very positive, but the solution can also be influenced by budget opportunities”, said Minister Bytyqi.

Mehmet Zenka, Minister for Minorities and Human Rights in Montenegro, thanked Minister Bytyqi for the hospitality and readiness that Kosova to support the education of young Albanians of Montenegro in higher education and stressed that Albanians of Montenegro are always grateful for the support they have always found in Kosova. 

Marash Dukaj, deputy minister at the Ministry of Education, stressed that the support of Albanian students in Montenegro is particularly necessary for the fact that in Montenegro there is no such possibility, while insisting that within the possibilities, the students of Montenegro should also be released from the payment of dormitories, while stressing the need to provide quotas even in master and doctoral levels.

Last modified: September 8, 2022

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