The Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Arbërie Nagavci and other members of the Cabinet were received at the meeting by the rector of the University of Peja “Haxhi Zeka”, Armand Krasniqi and members of the Steering Council of the University, in which case they discussed cooperation, policies and the addressing of important issues, through which the full achievement of the performance and accountability of higher education institutions is aimed.
On this occasion, Minister Nagavci said that, within the policies approved by the Ministry, support is continuously offered to our universities, for any initiative or project, which are of interest to students and academic staff.

Minister Nagavci also spoke about the commitment of the Ministry of Education in completing the legal infrastructure, which is necessary for the regulation of important processes regarding the advancement of higher education and science.
The Rector of the University of Peja “Haxhi Zeka”, Armand Krasniqi said that the presence of Minister Nagavci in this institution is motivating and driving in fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of the university.
He informed the minister about the main achievements of “Haxhi Zeka” University, including academic, research and infrastructural developments.
Last modified: February 29, 2024