The Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Arbërie Nagavci, at today’s press conference, presented the Ministry’s one-year work in the implementation of educational policies through which the completion of the legal basis, the expansion of the physical infrastructure, the revision of the texts, the improvement of quality are aimed at all levels, the implementation of dual education and the development of science.

Minister Nagavci initially thanked the media that followed the activities of the Ministry, thus becoming a very important partner in all the processes developed in education.
Speaking about the importance of linking education with the labor market, Minister Nagavci said that, this school year, the implementation of dual education has been expanded in 12 profiles, in 21 vocational schools, in 14 different municipalities of Kosova, with the aim of preparing our youth for the labor market.
The process of revising school textbooks, which began in April of this year, was another important topic for which Minister Nagavci announced that it is being carried out with the support of the EU project, KosEd, where in the first phase, 38 texts were analyzed, 21 of them Albanian language and 17 mathematics.
Minister Nagavci also mentioned some actions that have been undertaken such as: the adoption of the law on Early Childhood Education, the drafting of the Curriculum on Early Childhood Education, the drafting of administrative instructions related to the licensing and career advancement of teachers, the establishment of the collegium of preschool institutions in Kosova, the approval of the Law on the Kosovo Agency for Accreditation, the approval of the National Science Program 2023-2028, etc.
Among other things, Minister Nagavci also spoke about the increase in the education budget, where 408,988,408 euros are planned for 2024, saying that this increase shows the Government’s commitment to prioritizing education, increasing the quality of university and pre-university education, as well as improving of infrastructure in education.
Minister Nagavci also emphasized the Government’s commitment to supporting students and pupils through financial support for various scholarship schemes.
Regarding the construction of new nurseries, Nagavci announced that, during 2023, the construction of the nursery in Suharekë and Prizren was completed, the construction of twelve new nurseries contracted with investments from MESTI and six more with investments from EU with the IPA 2016 project, while six new nurseries have been contracted for construction.
Also, he said that during this year the construction of 15 other new schools continued with investments from MESTI and 2 schools with investments from the EU with the IPA 2017 project.
Minister Nagavci also clarified that in the next three months they will have a detailed plan for the work and actions to improve the results in the PISA test.
Last modified: February 29, 2024