February 14, 2024

The Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation has distributed certificates to 30 career counselors-5th level, of the Competence Center in Prizren, in which case she said that equipping the career counselors with certificates is a great achievement and the result of the joint work that has started since taking office and will continue in the future.

In her speech, Minister Nagavci emphasized that the goal of the Government of Kosova and the Ministry of Education is to strengthen the component of career guidance and counseling, adding that career counselors have a serious and important task for society and our country.

Minister Nagavci said that this training means five weeks of hard work and commitment, which has led to the successful completion of hard work and commitment through the equipment with a certificate, which made them competent enough in the task to advise students in finding work theirs.

Nagavci thanked the EYE Project and the Government of Switzerland, the collaborators from MESTI and the Agency for Education and Vocational Training and Education for Adults, for the tireless work and support of the Competence Center in Prizren – as the first public institution accredited to offer a training program for level V.

Fikrije Zymberi, Acting director of the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education said that now there are capacities built for career counseling, where this year the third group of trained counselors is certified.

Otherwise, AVETAE in cooperation with the MEDs and with the support of the EYE Project and Solidar Swiss, have established 11 school-based career centers, while during the last two years actions have also been undertaken in:

– Standardization of the model of career centers for the level of vocational schools;

– Drafting the AI for the operation of the services of career centers for the level of vocational schools;

– Accreditation of the qualification/re-qualification program for career counselors;

– Development of the concept of career guidance services for grades 6-9 of lower secondary schools;

– Institutionalization of the position of career counselors for grades 6-9 and 10-12 through categorization in the law of salaries.

Last modified: February 29, 2024

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