Minister Bajrami took part at marking the 20th anniversary of establishment of the Association of Political Prisoners

December 20, 2016

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami took part at marking the 20th anniversary of establishment of the Association of Political Prisoners, on which occasion received also a gratitude on continuous cooperation and support of activities of this society.

Minister Bajrami has highly assessed the precious contribution of former political prisoners and their endurance in protecting the national interests and creation of the state of Kosova. 

“We have much easier conditions to work, because you have worked in conditions far more severe and we all need to be educate so that before any partial interest to be the interest of the nation. This is the century of Albanians and Albanians should use it”, said Minister Bajrami.

Among other things, Minister Bajrami spoke about the emblematic figure of the activist of the political issue of Kosova’s in the 90-ies, z. Adem Demaçi and institutional support given to the publication of several books that talk about Mr. Demaçi and partial archive of the Kosova Liberation Army. 

Minister Bajrami said that, it is the obligation of the institutions of the Republic of Kosova to work on regulating the status of political prisoners.  

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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