Was marked the International Children’s Day– minister Bajrami allocated awards for winner of competition “All in school”

June 2, 2015

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami has taken part today at the award ceremony of winners for students of art school in Kosova, participants at the contest for the best scenario with topic: “All in school”.

In this activity, which is organized to mark 1st June – The International Children’s Day, minister Bajrami congratulated children in Kosova for their day. “No doubt that is a special day, which brings us back to the role and place that have our children in our new state”.

We are pledged, said minister Bajrami, to provide for our children qualitative education, to ensure a positive education in the spirit of tolerance, because the greatest values of our country are children, or youth.

The minister spoke for policies that the MEST is developing in few fields regarding the children, which are: inclusion from the kindergarten, breaking the school monotony, so that those to be more attractive and children to be educated and to have fun. Simultaneously, care toward children with special needs, toward poor children, children of minority communities, or those with health problems.

“MEST has decided that the reform in education to make within school, within class. We want to increase the teaching and learning quality, in order to create strong educational schools”, said minister Bajrami.

The Minister assured the students that they will work with their teachers and parents to build a much better education system “to give a European education so that tomorrow you really become leaders of the future, to change mentality of society and to lead society by giving special contributions”.

The minister afterwards has allocated also awards for contest winners. The best appreciated scenario by the commission was that of student Edona Vllasaliu from the higher secondary school of visual art in Gjilan. This scenario is realized also in the short movie, which was broadcasted during this ceremony.

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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