Minister Bajrami took part at the first meeting of the fourth generation of ATOM

June 2, 2015

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami has taken part at the first meeting of the 54 selected students, within ATOM project, which deals with identification and support of students with extraordinary intelligence.

This selection is done within the fourth function cycle, and during this cycle the project has identified students from VIII grade and up to XII grade, including all children of secondary higher schools in Kosova.

Minister Bajrami was expressed proud with students, while said that for children with intelligence is not enough that what they get from school, but are needed additional conditions in order to achieve them.

Minister Bajrami also expressed full support of the Ministry of Education for the ATOM project and demanded from the project to work also in early identification of children with extraordinary intelligence, starting from first grades of primary education.

Minister Bajrami said that MEST aim is qualitative education, with special emphasis, children’s education with extraordinary intelligence and talents.

“You, atomists will be the future leaders and you will be the changers of mentality and thinking in our society”, said the minister to the selected students from the project.

This time, from 1028 applicants, through use of standardized tests of intelligence, with British and American norms, are selected total 54 atomists from all over Kosova.

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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