The Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Arbërie Nagavci, participated in the launching ceremony of the “Educational Partnership Centers for Inter-Ethnic Cooperation” project, which was also attended by the Deputy Prime Minister, Besnik Bislimi, the US ambassador in Kosova, Jeffrey Hoovenier, the president of RIT Kosova, Kamal Shahrabi, the director of USAID in Kosova, Eileen Devitt, representatives of the AUK Foundation and the RIT College in Kosova, from the Municipal Directorates of Education, professors and students.

Minister Nagavci said that this ceremony is among those events that make us understand that we are witnessing the new history of Kosova, given that the project focuses on support in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, known as STEM and the integration of young men and women of different ethnicities.
Minister Nagavci announced that, since taking office, MESTI has taken concrete steps in both of these aspects, offering financial support to female students in the STEM fields and to students from the Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian communities.
Nagavci thanked our loyal partners, the American USAID and RIT Kosova, formerly the American University in Kosova (AUK) for this creative initiative which gives young men and women from all ethnicities the opportunity to develop their potential their full.
The US Ambassador to Kosova, Jeffrey Hoovenier, and the president of RIT Kosova, Kamal Shahrabi, also praised the importance of this project, which aims to integrate young people of all communities in the STEM fields.

Last modified: February 29, 2024