The Central State Matura Commission (CSMC) notifies that tests are distributed in time at all centres, where is envisaged to held the State Matura exam for 33 thousand high school students.

June 6, 2015

Also, according to envisaged plan, through the Centres are sent even the administrators, supervisors, monitors, while after 10 o’clock, is expected to begin the exam which will end at 13:00 o’clock.

The Matura exam this year is held indoors in classes, 15 students per class. It will be administered by 2500 administrators and 500 supervisors while for each 5 administrators will be a monitor.

There will be in total 250 testing centres, whose chairmen will be from MEST and public universities. The environment’s safety is provided by the Kosova Police, which was also cared for distribution of tests.

Whole process will be monitored also by, and also from the civil society.

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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