On the occasion of marking the International Safe Internet Day, the Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Arbërie Nagavci, visited LSPSch “Selman Riza” in Fushë Kosova to see closely the activities of this school in order to promote the use of safe internet from our children and young people.
The purpose of these activities is to raise awareness in society and mobilize institutions for coordination and cooperation in the protection of children on the Internet.
The Minister of Education, Arbërie Nagavci, on this occasion, stayed in one lesson where they talked about internet safety, the harassment that students can face as a result of using the internet in an uncontrolled way and the importance of using different platforms which help children to develop their knowledge.
During the conversation with students and teachers, Minister Nagavci also talked about the package of guides and other important documents developed by MESTI, which aim to avoid the misuse of information technology, digital violence, violation of privacy and other negative elements harmful to every individual and society.
On the other hand, MESTI, based on its mandate has issued the Administrative Instruction for the protection of children on the internet, which aims for educational and training institutions at the pre-university level to address the protection of children/students on the Internet through the regular educational process and extracurricular activities, by preparing them for the safe use of the Internet, in accordance with their physical, communication, social, emotional and intellectual development.
This important topic is part of our curricula, where it is specifically addressed in the subject Technology with ICT (within the curricular field Life and work) as well as in cross-curricular issues: Media education and Globalization and interdependence.
Furthermore, MESTI has also drawn up the package of guides “Journey through the Internet” (two guides for students, one for teachers and one for parents), which offers alternatives for using the Internet in a useful and responsible way, addressing this topic with cross-curricular, extra-curricular and elective courses.

Last modified: February 16, 2023