Minister Bytyqi participated at the table discussion “Qualitative Preparation of Teachers in Kosova”

June 20, 2018

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Shyqiri Bytyqi, participated at the roundtable “Qualitative Preparation of Teachers in Kosovawhich aimed at discussing preparation programs of teacher training in Kosova, needs and requirements for teachers of different profiles and the nature of preparation for these teachers.

Minister Bytyqi on this occasion emphasized that the qualitative preparation of teachers in Kosova is the most important topic for which to discuss and work, with the main goal modern education according to the highest standards.

“The qualitative preparation of teachers is a sacred mission because the future of our children depends precisely on these youngsters who are prepared by the Faculty of Education. We will have some kind of obligation to prepare our youngsters with necessary skills and quality education that time requires and that are according to European standards”, said Minister Bytyqi.

Minister Bytyqi requested closer cooperation between the Ministry of Education, the Faculty of Education and international partners, so that the main investments are orientated in the field of education, with priority on pre-university education.

“A close co-operation and a joint commitment will overcome all challenges and the education system in Kosova will once and for all take the right direction and within the next five years we will no longer discuss a low level of quality, but for the benefit of new teaching methods and techniques, their acquisition and application in our schools”, said Minister.

Minister Bytyqi has emphasized that GIZ as a supporter of various activities in the field of education is one of our partners in our journey towards the challenges facing the education system in Kosova.

The roundtable was organized by the Faculty of Education of the University of Prishtina, in cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Last modified: September 8, 2022

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