Minister Bajrami unveiled the statue of outstanding academician and historian, Prof. Dr. Ali Hadri at the University Complex of

March 2, 2016

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami and President of the Association of Historians of Kosova, Mr. Fehmi Rexhepi, in a solemn ceremony unveiled the statue of the outstanding academician and historian, Prof. Dr. Ali Hadri, at the University Complex “Hasan Prishtina” University in Prishtina.

Minister Bajrami, on this occasion has highly assessed the image of the prominent scholar, Ali Hadri, by saying that his contribution is extraordinary for the national cause.

Minister Bajrami said that the deceased academician Ali Hadri stays strongly and with dignity in the pantheon of the most intellectual, scientific and patriotic personalities of the 20th century in all national space.

“It is a rare honour for me that in the quality of the Minister of Education, Science and Technology to participate in an important anniversary, of an important person, scholar, researcher, historian and great scientist, Ali Hadri”, was expressed Minister Bajrami.  

Speaking for the work of Prof. Ali Hadri as a lecturer in the Department of History, Minister Bajrami said that his contribution for the establishment, management and development of the Institute of History constitutes one of the highlights of his life attempt.

Minister Bajrami highly assessed the intellectual, national and scientific courage of the professor, Ali Hadri to oppose the regime of that time through education and scientific work.

“Professor Ali Hadri is convinced that through education and its scientific work, history and our national values would be proven, as part of universal human values. The placement of the statue of Academic Ali Hadri is the most meaningful experience of his work and his name. It’s a moment of pride and experience for rare people, from which we have learned so much for history and our past”, said Minister Bajrami.

While, President of the League of Historians of Kosova, Prof. Dr. Fehmi Rexhepi said that on the day marking the 88th anniversary of his birth, is being inaugurated this imposing statue of the outstanding academician and professor, founder of historiography and first director of the Institute of History in Prishtina. 

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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