Minister Bajrami shared the award “Shaban Jashari” for distinguished teacher

March 3, 2016

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami has shared today the annual award “Shaban Jashari” for the distinguished teacher of the year, which this year was given to Mrs. Kimete Dida, teacher in primary school “Ismail Qemaili” in Prishtina. This prize was shared for the positive performance of the model teacher, outstanding communication with students, parents and good results. Also, the Minister shared gratitude’s also for other distinguished teachers, a teacher for each municipality.

Such gratitude’s were shared at the solemn ceremony organized on the occasion of 7 March – Teachers Day, from where Minister Bajrami congratulated teachers all over Kosova on this special day.

Minister Bajrami, on this occasion, besides many glorious events of March, in this month we remind also the role that teachers have had along the history. “We remind Shaban Jashari as patriot, an education veteran, who knew to play the role of a teacher and also to educate a whole family in the spirit of patriotism, freedom and resistance, and gave a historical examination on the role of teachers in difficult national times”, said Minister Bajrami and stressed that not by chance that this award bears the name of Shaban Jashari. 

Minister Bajrami also reminded the time when teachers have worked in very difficult conditions and together with the people have kept alive the Albanian school, but also the idea of freedom, especially in year 90/99. “We are all proud for that period, but also obliged to know that work, to know teachers role

How much we are proud of the role that we have as teacher, stressed Minister Bajrami, as much we are aware of the role that we should have today, because being today a teacher is a proud profession and we are very happy that is one of the most demanded professions in the labour market.

By assessing highly the teachers’ figure and the role that has for education reforms, Minister Bajrami stressed that Kosova is the country with the largest number of youth, who deserve qualitative education. “The best instrument to increase education quality are prepared teachers”, he said, while was expressed convinced that together we can to Kosovo to create an advanced system of education.

The teacher, who received the award “Shaban Jashari”, Mrs. Kimete Dida, was expressed grateful for this award, for which she said that gives power to move forward with the commitment in the sacred mission of educating the younger generation. “We teachers should conscious for the role that we have in transformation of our society, while working with our students in implementation of ethical principles, humanist, sincerity, honesty, behaviour and culture, which are the basis for building a just and prosperous society”, she said.

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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