Minister Bajrami took part in the launching of the new Project “Support education in the serbian language in Kosova”

November 21, 2016

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami, attended in the launching event of the new project “Support to education in the serbian language in Kosova: The process of verification of degrees of UNM, research of current Situation, the development roadmap of MEST and of direct training of UNM and its teaching staff”, in which case has made a symbolic allocation of 131 degrees validated (certified) by MEST for students of the University of North Mitrovica, in which students of the Serbian community will be equal competitors in the labour market in Kosova and abroad.

The verification process was conducted by a committee selected by the Government of Kosova long time ago, and is funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Norwegian Embassy in Prishtina.

Minister Bajrami, on this occasion said that this event shown our commitment to work in promotion of affirmative approach and inclusion of all communities in the labour market and the educational system. 

“Kosova government has been very committed and has established a high-level committee, which has started the process of certification of degrees. The Ministry of Education has provided the necessary support and our partners, including ECMI are engaged to stimulate young people to apply for certification”, said Minister Bajrami, while stressed that from 170 applications, 131 diplomas are already certified. 

Minister Bajrami said that this is a step toward diversity, integration and it shows that Kosovo Government will work to give each one new opportunity, regardless the ethnicity, in order to be an equal citizen of Kosova. 

“We are developing proactive policies for full integration of young people and students of the Serb community within the area of Kosova, because Kosova is their country and they can realize their career”, said the Minister, while stressed that we are working to built a stable framework for recognition of diplomas. 

On this occasion, Minister Bajrami wished that Government of Serbia to do the same and to respect the agreement on diploma recognition for our students in the Presheva Valley, to whom diplomas are not recognized.

Representative of the European Union, Mr. Thomas Gnocchi, said that equal approach in the education system is priority in the European agenda and in the strategy of the Kosova Government, while stressed that European Union Office supports the proces of serbian student involvement in the Kosova institutions.  

Ambassador of Norway, H.E. Stand for Sjaastad, said there is a great commitment of the Kosova Government to provide quality education to all communities and to provide recruitment based on merits and competencies of candidates 

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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