Minister Bajrami took part in the conference “The state of scientific researches in Kosova”

June 9, 2016

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami, attended the one-day conference “The state of scientific researches in Kosova”. The purpose of this conference is to open a debate about the announcement of surveys and scientific researches taking place in Kosova, achievements, visions, opportunities for the future, and the introduction of small scientific projects, winner of this year and supported by MEST.

Minister Bajrami in this case has assess that scientific research is an area where more is needed to be done, so that in addition to the academic component taking place in institutions of higher education, be developed the research component

Minister Bajrami emphasized that the first component of scientific research support is budget increase, especially in key areas, which have a direct impact on economic and technological development of the country.

“Duty of the Ministry of Education is to raise funds to support scientific researches. Another very important component is the resurrection of resources within public universities, institutes and businesses, so that they stimulate the scientific research”, was expressed Minister Bajrami. 

Minister Bajrami said the for determining the national standards of areas of interest, which clearly define a genuine scientific research, in order to enable orientation in the areas of funding, which represent the total contribution to scientific progress of the country.

In this conference will also attend rectors of public and private universities in the country, Vice-Rector for Science, deans of faculties, professors, beneficiaries of research projects of MEST and students.

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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