Minister Bajrami took part in the meeting with chairpersons of the Testing Centres of State Matura

June 15, 2016

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami, took part in the meeting with chairpersons of the Testing Centres for the State Matura exam, with purpose of mobilizing and informing all stakeholders of this national assessment process, to be at the level of responsibility and tasks that are given to them

Minister Bajrami has assessed successful the first part of testing, which this year for the first time is organized with few changes, which are done in the Law on State Matura and which have resulted to be successful. 

“The graduation shows the maturity of the educational system, our responsibility to build a credible, professional and reliable process. Dear chairpersons, you are key persons of the testing centres in this process and you’ll take responsibility of administrating 252 evaluation centres, so that everything to pass with highest professional criteria”, was expressed Minister Bajrami.  

The Minister has urged the chairpersons of the testing centres to fully monitor the centres in which they are assigned, to have full legal authority in order to take the necessary measures against administrators to be up to the task level.

For the process progress of second half (June deadline) of the State Matura exam are engaged over 1800, over 300 monitors, and 252 chairpersons of the Testing Centres. The graduation exam will be subject of over 32,000 high school students. The second part of the test will contain 100 questions from professional subjects. 

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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