Minister Bajrami took part in promoting trilogy for the activist of the national cause, Mr. Adem Demaçi

June 8, 2016

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami took part in promoting trilogy for the activist of the national cause, Mr. Adem Demaçi, of the author, Selatin Novosella.

Minister Bajrami, on this occasion has highly appreciated the personality of the intellectual and the activist, Adem Demaçi, as a figure of resistance, endurance, state-building, liberation and independence of Kosova.

Minister Bajrami said that, Kosova, Albania, Macedonia and other countries where Albanians live, are devoting this year to the resistance of doyen of the national cause.

“The Ministry of Education has supported the tireless work of the author Selatin Novosella, who today is promoting his trilogy, by promoting three texts which are three indelible trails of the national resistance of Adem Demaçi. These three books show how an intellectual, an activist and a patriot should act under any conditions, how a multifaceted personality resists the violence, terror and protects the national cause at all times”, stressed Minister Bajrami.   

Speaking about the image and intellectual courage of Mr. Demaçi, Minister Bajrami has reminded the sacrifice of entire generations for freedom and independence of Kosova.

“Adem Demaçi was a liberal and moderate politician. Today when we are promoting these books, we should express the great devotion and the greatest respect for the figure of Adem Demaçi and pray that as soon be amongst us. By reading these books, we will see that our path has not been easy. Thanks to the patriots, to the generation of Adem Demaçi, the cause for freedom of Kosova always is kept alive”, said Minister Bajrami.  

During the celebration of the 80th birthday of the activist Adem Demaçi, MEST has financed the publication of the trilogy: Adem Demaçi in the first trial – 1958, Adem Demaçi in the second trial -1964, Adem Demaçi in the third trial -1975.

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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