Minister Bajrami took part in promotion of the program “America with Kosova”, in Dragash

October 6, 2016

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami, accompanied from Deputy Minister of Education, Mr. Umen Baldzi and American ambassador, Mr. Greg Delawie, have participated in promotion of the program “America with Kosova:, in Dragash within which are developed cultural-sports activities from students of communities living in this region, and it is discussed with the citizens of this municipality.

Minister Bajrami, on this occasion among others said that this activity is a good opportunity to prove that in Kosova can be lived together and that Kosova is a free and democratic country, where values of each one are respected and where diversity is special state value.

“Kosova is not a place of radicalism, Kosova is a country of peace, tolerance, understanding and coexistence. It is the best example in the region, where in a school learn together children of different communities”, stressed Minister Bajrami. 

Minister Bajrami, during his stay in Dragash was also hosted from Mayor of this municipality Mr. Salim Jonuzi, with whom discussed on developments in this municipality, especially integration opportunities of all communities in the education system of Kosova. 

Minister Bajrami said that integration of communities in education system of Kosova is possible and should be done gradually, while added that it is also at the interest of students of this region to learn according to programs that our educational system provides, which are suitable with school programs of the European countries. 

Otherwise, topics for which is discussed within this program were: Fighting violent extremism, promotion of good interethnic relations, family violence, education and professional development and other important topics.  

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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