Minister Bajrami introduced the New Curriculum at the Parliamentary Education Committee

November 1, 2016

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami with associated has taken part in the next meeting of the Parliamentary Education Committee of Kosova, chaired from Mr. Nait Hasani – chairman, on which occasion informed him about the review process of the new curriculum and the school textbooks.

Minister Bajrami, informed members of the Parliamentary Education Committee regarding the review and implementation (piloting) process of the new curriculum, for which said that it took a while that this process to end with success in order to have a completed document. 

Minister Bajrami said that it took an almost two year period to close the review process of the New Curriculum, in order to have a qualitative and applicable document. 

“New Curriculum of Kosova is competence based, simultaneously is being implemented (piloted) entirely also from Albania, because it is designed conform educational trends in the European Union”, stressed Minister Bajrami. 

Review of Curriculum as a process and changes have been made by officials of MEST and education experts, being based in suggestions and reports coming from pilot schools and other involved stakeholders in this process. 

To the members of the Parliamentary Committee was introduced the new curriculum and guideline for implementation  
New Curriculum of Kosova has begun piloted in school year 2013/14, initially in 10 schools while a year later, this process has begun also in 83 new pilot schools, while complete implementation of the curriculum will occur in 2021.

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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