Minister Bajrami hosted the former Minister of Education of Austrian, Erhard Busek

March 9, 2016

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami hosted in the meeting the former Minister of Austria, Mr. Erhard Busek, with who has discussed for continuation of cooperation Kosova-Austria in the field of education, with special emphasis higher education.

Minister Bajrami thanked the government of Austria for assistance that continuously has given for the education sector, especially in vocational education, while stressed that orientation of the Government of Kosova in this education segment is dual system of education, which ensures competent people that can contribute in the country’s development. 

Minister Bajrami has repeated that within engagements that are being made in improvement of quality in education, reformation of vocational education is priority

While, former Minister Busek encouraged Minister Bajrami to continue even further with the initiated reforms in the vocational education sector, while stressed the relevance of interconnection of study programs with labour market needs. 

Former Minister Busek, as well has informed his host that the European Fund for Balkans in cooperation with universities of Vienna have established the Centre for Advanced studies, which has the aim of raising and training of professors to enhance the effectiveness of teaching.

Mr. Busek urged that through this cooperation Kosova – Austria be sent the candidates from Kosova in this centre, proposal which Minister Bajrami has welcomed. 

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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