The Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation has presented the Strategy for Education 2022-2026, a document which will serve the development of the education sector for the next five-year period and has five strategic objectives that address the key problems of the priority areas of this sector.
Early childhood education, raising the quality of pre-university education, harmonizing education and vocational training with the development of technology and the labor market, quality, integrity and competitiveness in higher education, as well as the use of digital technology to improve services in education , are the main points of the Strategy.
The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, on this occasion said that we are in joint commitment to implement the objectives of this Strategy to provide our children with quality education. In this regard, Prime Minister Kurti emphasized that the Government of Kosovo prioritizes the education sector, as the main source of the economic development of the country and society in general.

The Minister of Education, Arbërie Nagavci, said that this Strategy is the basic document for the development of education in the next five years, while its launch is the merit and success of all those who have contributed to its finalization.
Minister Nagavci emphasized that the document is fully harmonized with the government program for education, based on a detailed analysis of the situation in this field.
While mentioning the five pillars of the Strategy, Nagavci said that inclusiveness is a necessary condition for the development of each individual and that is why work is being done to improve the legal infrastructure. She also announced that next year there will be an increase in the budget for education, in order to invest in physical infrastructure.

Minister Nagavci thanked the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, which through GIZ Kosovo has supported the drafting of the Education Strategy 2022-26, contributing with professional expertise and technical support throughout the drafting process, as well as the British Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Development and the organization DVV International for the professional support offered through local consultancy in the planning process.
The German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jörn Rohde, and the British Ambassador to Kosovo, Nicholas Abbott, emphasized the importance of the Education Strategy 2022-2026 and expressed their satisfaction that their countries have contributed to this process.
The Education Strategy 2022-2026 has been drawn up in cooperation with local and international partners and is based on the Program of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo 2021-2025, as well as on the analysis of the state of the priority areas of the education sector.
Last modified: October 31, 2022