February 5, 2023

The Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation has opened a public call for the nomination of members of the State Quality Council in the Kosovo Agency for Accreditation.

All legal entities registered in Kosova and natural persons, citizens of the Republic of Kosova, have the right to nominate or self-nominate as members of the SQC..

Nominees must meet these conditions:

1.To be citizens of the Republic of Kosova. 2. Have the degree of Doctor of Sciences with relevant academic experience or (10) years of experience in the field of quality assurance in higher education.

3. In case they have completed their studies abroad, they must have the decision for recognition or proof of the application for recognition of the diploma from the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of the Republic of Kosova.

4.Have knowledge of the English language.

MESTI requests nominations for 4 areas determined by Administrative Instruction no. 06/2018, dated 07.05.2018 as follows:

1.Arts and justice;

2. Natural sciences, mathematics, computing & engineering, manufacturing and construction;

3. Health and welfare, agriculture and veterinary.

The deadline for nominations is 15 working days from the day of the announcement of the public call on the MESTI website or until 17.02.2023.

You can find the details in this link:

Last modified: February 9, 2023

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