MEST has held its year-end meeting with Donors

December 12, 2017

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology held today the year-end meeting with donors, supporters of education processes in Kosovo for the year we are leaving behind.

Minister Bytyqi thanked the representatives who were present of the supporters of education for the given assistance and the willingness to continue with the cooperation, whereby it was stated that without the continuous support of Donors, we would not have the opportunity to implement reforms in Kosova education and continue with the goal of approximating it with European Union countries.

In addition, Minister Bytyqi noted that with the help of the European Commission many projects have been implemented through the IPA project from 2007 onwards in different education sectors such as support for community education through scholarships, investing in kindergartens, improving employability through professional qualifications, support for participation in Erazmus +, functional review of MEST, and many other projects to be implemented through IPA 2017 and IPA 2018.

Minister Bytyqi also thanked the US Embassy for support on Higher Education through the Leadership Transformation Project, the FULLBRIGHT Academic Exchange Program and other successfully implemented programs. 

He also thanked the German government for support through GIZ with the program “Capacity Building in the Primary Education Sector”, as well as for the campaign launched time a ago “Education in Your Hand” etc.. Minister Bytyqi also mentioned the contribution of the World Bank through the “Project for Improving the Education System in Kosova” and the support of Austria in the Higher Education Sector.

Minister Bytyqi also thanked the countries of the European Union, the Swiss Government and the Italian Government that through projects such as Save and Children etc. are assisting in early childhood education as well as in children with special needs. Minister Bytyqi also thanked UNICEF, OSCE, UNDP and French Embassy for support in the implementation of curricula and many other educational projects in the country.

In the development of education in Kosovo, have assisted also the English Government, Netherlands, Croatia, Slovenia, Japan and others, whom we will be grateful for and with whom we will continue to cooperate even further said at the end, Minister Bytyqi.

The participants were welcomed by Stergios Tragoudas, from the European Commission Office in Kosova – the education sector, who among other things said that it is important to be prepared, to focus on close cooperation in terms of benefiting from IPA 2018 programs, which are expected to strongly support the education sector Boris Scharlovski, leader of the German GIZ for Kosova, said that during the past year we had a constructive approach and very good cooperation with the Ministry of Education. He mentioned the results of PISA 2015 and the mobilization of MEST in improving the situation and quality in education. 

Scharllovvski also said that we will continue to support MEST in other commitments to add that the German government is interested in supporting the process of systematization of the repatriated in the education system in Kosova.

Meanwhile, James Mugaju, the representative of UNICEF in Kosovo, said that they expressed the willingness and the desire to further support the education processes in Kosova, focusing on early childhood education that is also in line with the orientations and intentions of the European Commission. 

Representatives of other donors also have spoken at this meeting, who also thanked the MEST management for close cooperation and expressed their willingness to jointly do our best for the upbringing and education of young people in Kosova.    

Last modified: September 8, 2022

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