International Conference began works on PISA 2018 “Working together for Better Education”

December 1, 2017

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Shyqiri Bytyqi, participated in the opening of the two-day International Conference on PISA 2018 “Let’s Work together for Better Education”, which aims to raise the awareness of students, parents, teachers and to all other parties, to improve Kosovo’s performance in PISA 2018.

At this conference, where were present even the Prime Minister of Kosova, Ramush Haradinaj and Deputy Minister of Education, Besa Shahini were present, Minister Bytyqi said that reforms in education should bring positive change, not only in educational outcomes, but also in general social development and as such this must be done together.

Minister Bytyqi on this occasion thanked the German Government, which has provided the best international experiences regarding the PISA Testing, adding that MEST has the strong support of the Government of Kosova for improving the quality of education.

Minister Bytyqi also thanked Prime Minister Haradinaj, who cited the causes that have led to poor performance in the PISA 2015 Test, for which said that they make Government of Kosova and the Ministry of Education even more responsible to take measures to change the overall education situation in Kosova.

“Indeed we have many things to do and are aware that it is not the right level of education in Kosova, but as we are today all together, will travel together to change the education condition. This Conference marks a step further towards the many years of journey to enable a qualitative education for our children”, said Minister Bytyqi.

Among other things, Minister Bytyqi said that participation in the PISA 2015 Testing has enabled us to see where we are in comparison with other countries, but has also given us an external reflection to see what steps are needed and should be undertaken towards a qualitative education in Kosova.

Prime Minister of Kosova, Ramush Haradinaj has pledged that the government he leads is working on changing the state of education, since this is at the same time the responsibility and obligation of the country’s government.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Education of Albania, Besa Shahini said that the PISA test enables the measurement of achievements in education and the design of appropriate educational policies. 

The main objectives of this conference are to: Identify how PISA can serve as a motor for achieving a vision in the future, presenting and discussing the challenges posed by PISA 2015 and transforming them into a priority for PISA 2018, exchange of experiences with representatives of other European and regional states participating in PISA etc.

Last modified: September 8, 2022

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