Deputy Minister Berdynaj attended the three-day workshop for drafting the Core Curriculum on the Preschool Education

August 24, 2016

Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Agim Berdynaj attended the three-day workshop for drafting the Core Curriculum on the Preschool Education, which has for purpose identification of national and international contests for Curriculum development, factors that influence and form the curricula, the connection between early learning and development standards and other important elements of the curriculum.

D/Minister Berdynaj, on this occasion has estimated that UNICEF continuously has supported the development of preschool education, cooperation which will continue also in terms of the drafting process of the Core Curriculum for the Preschool Education, as a strategic document for the development of the education sector in Kosova. 

D/Minister Berdynaj has expressed continuous support of the Ministry of Education in finalization of this document, while has added that compilation of the Core Curriculum on the Preschool Education is going through a sensitive process, which is being developed from competent persons 

While James Mugaju, deputy chief of UNICEF in Kosova stated that they are willing to support and continue cooperation with regard to early childhood development.

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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