The Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami took part in the closing conference of the project “The protection of children from violence in school”, which is implemented over the two years by the Kosova Education Centre – KEC with support of the UNICEF office and EU in Kosova and in cooperation with MEST. The purpose of this conference was the presentation of project results and recommendations for further steps in this sector.
Minister Bajrami, on this occasion has highly assessed the project for prevention of violence cases in school as a problem of global proportions.
“The project for prevention of violence in schools is extraordinary important, because this phenomena is a global issue, especially for the states in transition. The violence in school is very concerning for the Republic of Kosova, regardless the number of such cases, in a period when we are working to provide qualitative and humane schools”, said Minister Bajrami.
Minister Bajrami said that, primary objective of the Ministry of Education is qualitative education with prepared teachers and appropriate learning programs, in the spirit of being positive and loyal citizen to the country.
The aim of the project was to support schools to implement GRK Regulation 21/2013 on Protocol for the prevention and referral of violence in pre-university education institutions, through strengthening capacities of schools and raising awareness to address in a proper manner the problem of violence. The project has supported the development of the Guidelines for implementation of the Protocol and Guideline for creating mediation teams among peers, which are used as the basis for the organization of information sessions / trainings in Kosova’s schools.

Last modified: September 7, 2022