Was held the Conference “Competition of the Metal Industry (with a focus on skills)”

January 30, 2018

The Minister of Education, Science and Technology participated in the Conference “Competition of Metal Industry (with a focus on skills)”, organized by the Kosova Manufacturers Club, in which discussions were made about the impact of vocational schools and the possibility of increasing youth employment through preparation and skills acquired during schooling.

Minister Bytyqi highly appreciated the importance of this conference, saying that optimism is being discussed for the future of the youth, but also for the development of the country.

Minister Bytyqi stressed that about 80 percent of manufacturing companies have sought to increase the number of employees, creating confidence that the country is moving in a positive direction. Minister Bytyqi said that the increased demand for youth employment should increase institutional responsibility in creating conditions for the development of young people’s skills, namely the support of vocational schools and centres of competence.

“The greatest impact of our young people’s skills comes from vocational training schools and centres of competence. This means that young people who receive training in these institutions find it easier to find work because they are ready for the labour market”, said Minister Bytyqi. 

Minister Bytyqi, besides the metal industry, has mentioned the textile and metal industry as areas where there are constantly demands on the labour market and which need to be given care and support.

At the Conference on “Competition of the Metal Industry (with a focus on skills)”, were also present the Minister of Economic Development, Valdrin Lluka and the director of the EYE program, Timothy Sparkman. 

Last modified: September 8, 2022

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