At the 162 meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kosova, the appointment of 3 new members to the State Quality Council of the Kosova Accreditation Agency was approved.
After the expiration of the mandate of 4 local members, the public call for the nomination and self-nomination of the local members of the SQC was announced. The commission has evaluated the applications and out of the 13 candidates who have met the conditions, it has recommended 6 candidates with priority.
Based on the competences, Minister Arbërie Nagavci has presented the following members for approval to the Government.

– Mirlinda Batalli-Zhubi, doctor of science who comes from the field of law and is a full professor at the University of Prishtina, with over 20 years of experience.
Professor Batalli has experience in safety assessment processes as a member of the State Quality Council in KAA; has experience in activities in the rule of law with international organizations and has been engaged as a national contact point for the Horizon Europe Scientific Research Program of the EU 2015-2019.
-Avni Berisha, doctor of science in the field of Chemistry and is a full professor at the University of Prishtina, with 17 years of work experience in higher education institutions. There is a significant number of certifications and trainings in the field of science, domestically and internationally. Profesori Berisha në platformën Scopus ka 133 publikime shkencore me H-Index 31.
-Jetmir Haxhibeqiri, doktor shkence nga fusha e Shkencave Kompjuterike, aktualisht i angazhuar si hulumtues i lartë në institucione të arsimit të lartë jashtë vendit. Mr. Haxhibeqiri has made 2 patent applications at the European level and has experience in the field of preparation of curriculum and quality assurance in the field of computer science. On the Scopus Platform there are 47 scientific publication documents with H-Index 13.
The Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation will continue to support the independent professional work of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency and the State Quality Council in order to raise the quality of higher education.
There are currently 5 members in SQC, 3 of them are international and 2 local.
Last modified: September 27, 2023