The Cooperation Agreement is signed between MEST and ADA

April 21, 2017

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Arsim Bajrami and the Ambassador of Austria in Kosova, Mr. Gernot Pfandler, signed a Cooperation Agreement for the implementation of the project “HERAS – Higher Education, Research and Applied Sciences in Kosova”.

The purpose of this project is to effectively and sustainably improve the higher education in Kosova.

Minister Bajrami thanked the Government of Austria for continued support in the field of education, without which support Kosova would have difficulty to orient higher education in the European Higher Education Area.

Minister Bajrami stressed that this project will be a great help to the Government of Kosova in terms of its commitment to quality improvement.

“We are launching a very important project, the HERAS project, which will help raise the quality of our public universities, in the orientation of our universities towards applied sciences and the stimulation of research and scientific research”, said Minister Bajrami.

While, Ambassador of Austria, Gernot Pfandler was pleased with the co-operation between the governments of both countries in the field of education, while adding that the Austrian Government is especially committed in higher education.

The project “HERAS – Higher Education, Research and Applied Sciences in Kosova” is funded by the Austrian Development Agency- ADA, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and reaches the value of 2 million Euros. The project will last three years and will contribute to the development of higher education, stimulation of scientific research within the universities and the orientation of young people in the field of applied sciences, in order to help the socio-economic development of the country.

HERAS is implemented by a highly experienced Austrian consortium represented by World University Service Austria (WUS Austria) as the lead partner, and including the Center for Social Innovation (ZSI) and the Austrian Agency for International Mobility and Cooperation in Education, Science and Research (OeAD).

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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