The senior political adviser in the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Muhedin Nushi, participated in the Conference organized by the Agency for Gender Equality, in the marking of the International Women’s Day, in which the common cause of women and girls who have contributed to the building of peace, institutions and democracy in the country.

In this Conference, the Prime Minister of Kosova, Albin Kurti, emphasized that the Government’s aim for equality and justice has no alternative, therefore it has been stated that they are together in the struggle for equality. Prime Minister Kurti said that they will support all development and social projects for a better life and gender equality in our democratic Republic.

The senior political adviser in MESTI, Muhedin Nushi, in his speech, said that gender equality is a principle embedded within our educational legislation at all levels, especially in higher education, and it is included as an interwoven issue in every policy and program, such as in personnel and curricular aspects, as well as in capacity building activities within academic units.
Advicor Nushi said that the Ministry of Education has undertaken all actions to ensure the equal and dignified treatment of women and girls, either through financial support for study or by evaluating their achievements in science.
Nushi congratulated the Agency for Gender Equality Edi Gusia, for organizing this conference which highlights the importance of the inclusion of women and girls in education and in institutional and social life.
Acting Executive Director of the Agency for Gender Equality, Edi Gusia, thanked and expressed gratitude to all Kosovar women and girls regardless of ethnicity who contributed to the country’s economy, to the political and public scheme, to administration, entrepreneurship and to the permanent effort to balance life professional and private.
Last modified: March 14, 2024