The conference “Financial management of the public higher education institutions in Kosova” began with proceedings

November 9, 2016

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami took part at the opening of the two-day conference “Financial management of the public higher education institutions in Kosova”, which is organized from MEST, in cooperation with several local and international institutions.

Main goals of this conference are: Presentation of the project outcomes “Increase of autonomy and financial accounting in public higher education institutions in Kosova”, financed from the European Union, through Tempus program, official delivery of the White Document that contains proposal regarding to the “Financial model for public higher education system in Kosova” and discussion on future financial management challenges of the public universities.   

Minister Bajrami assessed the relevance of this conference, in terms of finding best financing ways and full implementation of financial autonomy of Higher Education Institutions, interconnection of universities with labour market needs and profiling of faculties towards the areas for which the market has need.

“Each university should increase internal capacities to design the strategic development plan and generation of revenues, as opportunity of development of a competitive funding system. We are determined to develop profiling process and creation of identity of each higher education institution”, said Minister Bajrami. 

Minister Bajrami spoke also for application of good practices of international universities, regarding the funding formulae, interconnection of funding formulae with HEI performance and provision of own funding revenues, so that higher Education to be a strong pillar of the economic development of Kosova and competitive in EU states.   

Minister Bajrami also offered full support for new programs, which are by students and enable their career building. “Each program must have some additional clauses to apply, the clause of necessary of that program, clause of students’ employability and the financial clause”, stressed the Minister.

On the importance of the conference, spoke also the Rector of the University “Hasan Prishtina”, Mr. Marjan Dema and representative of the EU Office in Kosova, Mr. Luigi Brusa. 

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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