The Draft Law on the Kosova Accreditation Agency (KAA) has been approved by the Government and has been further forwarded to the Assembly.

This Draft law guarantees the institutional and financial independence of KAA in the field of accreditation and validation of higher education institutions and their academic programs.
The Draft law is in full compliance with European standards and procedures (ESG) and as such guarantees quality improvement in higher education, promotes exchanges of students and academy staff, affects the internationalization of higher education, technology transfer and knowledge and creates preconditions for the interconnection of the education system to the labor market.
With this decision we move towards finalizing the fulfillment of all criteria and recommendations for the return of KAA to the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and registration in the European Register for Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (EQAR).
This law also makes impossible any political interference, interventions that in the past have hit hard the education system in Kosova.
It is expected that the same will be approved by the Assembly within the prescribed deadlines.
Last modified: August 26, 2022