The Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Arbërie Nagavci hosted today a delegation from the Republic of Turkey, led by the Minister of National Education, Mahmut Özer. Cooperation in education and vocational training, cooperation in the field of higher education, digitalization in education, exchanges of pupils and students, professional development of teachers, twinning of schools, and other important topics were discussed during this meeting.

Minister Nagavci thanked Minister Özer for the continuous support given by the Turkish state to Kosovo in various phases, especially the support in education at all levels.
The Minister said that she is committed to providing equal opportunities for each of her citizens regardless of nationality. Among other things, she demanded that the fees of Kosovo students studying in Turkey be removed, for which she promised that this issue is being considered.
Minister Özer informed that this year the texts have been translated from Albanian into Turkish and Bosnian.
Minister Nagavci said that we expect that the joint plans will be concretized with a cooperation agreement between the two countries with a focus on IT, professional development of teachers, higher education, as well as student and professor exchange programs.
Whereas, Minister Özer expressed his happiness that his first visit as a minister abroad is being realized in Kosovo. He stressed the readiness of the Ministry that leads to continue supporting education in Kosovo wherever the need arises, especially in information technology.
After the meeting, Minister Nagavci and Minister Özer with associates visited the primary and lower secondary school “Elena Gjika” in Pristina, where teaching is conducted in Turkish.
Last modified: August 26, 2022