Following the official visit to Iowa (USA), the Minister of Education, Arbërie Nagavci and the Deputy Minister, Edona Maloku Bërdyna, met with representatives of several universities and colleges in this country, to see closely the possibilities of cooperation with Kosovo. They were hosted by Hawkeye Community College executives, known for their profile in agriculture and professional direction, for which student exchange options between Kosovo and Iowa were considered.

The Minister and the Deputy Minister also met with leaders and professors of the University of Northern Iowa (UNI), with whom they discussed the contribution they can make in the field of education, especially in terms of teachers professional development, cooperation in STEM fields and review of dual diplomas.
Minister Nagavci spoke about the importance of education and vocational training, while adding that professional development and raising the quality of education in general, are priorities for MESTI.
Minister Nagavci and Deputy Minister Maloku Bërdyna were also welcomed at the University of Iowa, where in addition to meetings with leaders of the institution and academic staff, they had the opportunity to visit two centers that work with specific groups: The Belin-Blank Center, which works with gifted children, and the UI Reach program, which works with children and young people with special needs.
On this occasion, Deputy Minister Maloku Bërdyna said that MEST is committed to inclusive education and is working to help identify, access and improve education for all children.
The visit to the Community College, Des Moines also marked the end of the official visit. The College, which hosted the education of 28 students from Kosovo in the field of energy, has expressed its commitment to provide new opportunities for students from Kosovo, especially in the fields of STEM.
Minister Nagavci and Deputy Minister Maloku Bërdyna thanked all universities, colleges and schools for the hospitality and willingness shown for cooperation in the field of education.
Last modified: August 26, 2022