The Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Arbërie Nagavci, has hosted at the meeting the second group of students from the four competence centers, who will participate in the two-week mobility in Belgium, which is planned to be realized in the second part of the November month.
On this occasion, Minister Nagavci wished the students to enjoy this experience and gain knowledge from the two-week visit to Belgium, while applying the acquired knowledge in Kosovo.
“I wish to have more students who will benefit such experiences, so their dreams come true and with gained experiences to contribute in our country”, was expressed minister Nagavci.
The director of the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education, Fikrije Zymberi, said that the students’ visit to Belgium is the second visit made within the students mobility, adding that the first visit was made in Italy.
Meanwhile, the participating students said that they expect to expand their knowledge in the relevant fields of ICT, logistics, hotel and tourism, and apply the knowledge gained from this visit in Kosova.
Participating in this two-week mobility are: 2 students from CC-Prizren, 5 students from CC “11 Marsi” – Prizren, 3 students from CC “Shtjefën Gjeçovi” – Prishtina and 2 students from CC “Kujtim Krasniqi” – Malishevë, accompanied from a teacher.
The MoVET project is financed by the European Commission, within which AVETAE, together with partners from the EU countries and the countries of the Western Balkans, have started the final phase of the project with the mobility of students from the countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Kosova and Montenegro) provided in two versions: short mobility, two-week study visit, which will be followed by long-term mobility (three months training).

Last modified: November 10, 2023