Minister Nagavci and Deputy Minister Maloku Bërdyna are staying in a working visit to IOWA

November 4, 2021

The Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Arbërie Nagavci, and the Deputy Minister, Edona Maloku Bërdyna, are on a working visit to Iowa, USA, where they are meeting with various representatives of educational institutions.

The Minister and the Deputy Minister first met with General Timothy Orr, the Intergovernmental Affairs Advisor of the US National Guard Bureau, as well as the initiator of the State Partnership Program between Iowa National Guard and Kosovo Security Force, launched in 2011.

On this occasion, Minister Nagavci thanked General Orr for the extraordinary contribution in establishing a special cooperation relationship between the two friendly countries.

Later, in separate meetings, Minister Nagavci and Deputy Minister Maloku Bërdyna met with representatives of Iowa State University and representatives of Drake University, where they discussed the potentials of cooperation in the field of education, research and innovation, including academic and student exchange. and building the professional and research capacities of teachers.

The Minister and the Deputy Minister informed the representatives of these two universities about the Government’s priorities in education, while they understood from the interlocutors about the opportunities they offer in the realization of cooperation.

The meetings with the institutions of higher education were followed by a visit to Johnston High School, where the Minister and the Deputy Minister were closely acquainted with the functioning of this school, especially in providing opportunities for training and professional education of students.

During this visit, the possibilities of school-level twinning between Johnston and schools in the city of Peja were explored, with which the city of Johnston is twinned at the city level..

They also visited the Iowa Central Community College in Fort Dodge, where they discussed the provision of a full range of scholarships for nurses from Kosovo that may be covered by this college.

This opportunity is being considered with the students of the University of Gjakova, as a way of strengthening the existing twinning relations that already exist in both these cities – Fort Dodge and Gjakova.

Scholarships would enable, in addition to nursing education, candidates to work an additional year at Friendship Haven Health Center, which provides care services for the elderly.

Last modified: September 8, 2022

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