Minister Bytyqi hosted the chief of EU Office in Kosova, Nataliya Apostolova

October 3, 2017

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Shyqiri Bytyqi, hosted today in a meeting the head of the European Union Office in Kosova, Nataliya Apostolova, with whom talked about EU support in realization of various projects in education, which are related to the improvement of quality in education at all levels, the continuous professional development of teachers and the fulfilment of spatial needs for the application of whole day learning.

Minister Bytyqi informed Apostolovan on the general condition of education and the activities of the Ministry of Education, which are directly related to improving the quality of education, expressing determination to move forward important processes in this area.

Minister Bytyqi also thanked the EU office for unsparing support through numerous projects that have contributed and are affecting the improvement of teaching and learning in Kosova.

On the other hand, Apostolova stressed that the European Union is ready to continue close co-operation with the Ministry of Education in further improvement of the education system. Apostolova also congratulated Minister Bytyqi for the performance at the Conference “Western Balkans Platform for Education, Training, Research and Innovation”.

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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