Minister Bajrami took part in the workshop for vocational education development

June 17, 2015

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami took part in the workshop where is discussed the role of Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adults’ Education in vocational education development in Kosova.

Minister Bajrami, speaking on the vocational education development in Kosova, said that within reforms which Government of Kosova is developing in pre-university education, special relevance was dedicated to vocational education development and its adaptation with needs of economic development and the labour market.

“In the program of the Government, vocational education takes a central place in three segments: in setting of national standards of vocational education, in connection to the vocational education with economic development national plan and in the adaptation of vocational education with labour market needs”, said minister Bajrami.

Minister Bajrami, also said that an appropriate curricula should be compiled for vocational schools, should be built a system of prepared teachers for dual teaching and necessary partnerships should be established between schools and the business.

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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