Minister Bajrami took part in the conference “Engagement of Civil Society against Violent Extremism”

February 28, 2017

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami took part in the conference “Engagement of Civil Society against Violent Extremism”, which had for purpose promotion of peace, tolerance and coexistence messages.

Minister Bajrami on this occasion emphasized that the best way of fighting radicalization and extremism that leads to terrorism is good, qualitative education, inclusiveness, as well as cultivation of coexistence, diversity and tolerance in education system.

Minister Bajrami said that positive education of children from an early age will directly impact in raising awareness about the consequences that radicalism and extremism can bring. 

“We need to promote in curriculum the spirit of positive education. We should show our children at an early age that cultural and religious diversity is a priority for the country. Our Constitution is oriented in the spirit of coexistence of communities and religious communities. Our children need to be educated so that any other ideology is foreign and unacceptable for our schools”, said Minister. 

Among other things, Minister Bajrami assessed that an important role in fighting these phenomena have textbooks and prevention of negative effects that access to the Internet may have.

The conference is organized within the program “Engagement for the Equality – E4E” funded by USAID and implemented by the Advocacy Training Resource Centre (ATRC). 

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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