Minister Bajrami took part at the workshop “Vocational Education and Training for Employment”

January 29, 2016

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami took part at the workshop “Vocational Education and Training for Employment”, where project findings of GIZ were presented, to support VET development in Kosova, from experts of this field.

Minister Bajrami on this occasion has stressed the continuous commitment of the Ministry of Education, in reformation of Vocational Education and Training for Employment, building of national standards regarding VET and the VET support with needs of labour market.

Among others, the Minister also assessed the governments’ contribution of EU countries, in building objectives, development of curricula and providing trainings, in establishment of vocational education according to models of European countries.

“The issue of Vocational Education and Training is a global issue, which is being discussed also in most developed EU countries because majority of countries see the economic development perspective, through quick preparations of young people and their placement as soon as possible in the industry”, said Minister Bajrami.

Minister Bajrami also stressed the importance of adapting the model of Vocational Education and Training, by assessing that German model is ideal for Kosova, as a country which has perspective the development of agriculture, tourism, small economy, and few information technology directions.

Minister Bajrami, spoke also for launching ALLED project, which enables findings of parameters of the labour market needs in key areas, and beginning of a strategic project on students’ orientation toward exact sciences.

During today’s day, Minister Bajrami took part also in presentation of the study project of EU office, for Higher Education in Kosova prepared from Mrs. Helene Scicos, Policy Officer within the General Directorate of Education and Culture in Brussels within the EU, where were present, Mr. Thomas Gnocchi, chief within the EU office in Kosova for Politics, Economy and European Integrations and Rectors of Public Universities and Private Colleges of Kosova.

Minister Bajrami highly assessed the research of Mrs. Helen, as realistic presentation of condition in Higher Education, while added that to undertake proper steps for the future, we have need to look things as they are.    

“We are committed to have a higher education, which will respond to the demands of the labour market, country’s economic development’, said Minister Bajrami. While stressed that the courageous planning steps of study programs are being made even by the universities side, which will be very competitive in this aspect. 

Ongoing, Minister Bajrami said that now we have few profiling studies by the Public Universities and this will continue even in the future, but added that Kosova Accreditation Agency, is drafting new standards of accreditation programs.

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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