Minister Bajrami reported before the Parliamentary Commission for Education for textbooks issue

March 15, 2016

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami has reported today before members of the Parliamentary Commission for Education for textbooks issue, on which occasion said that now is activated the experts’ council for programs and textbooks in order to prepare texts

Minister Bajrami stressed that is created the mechanism that for each year will review textbooks and to permit them to be used in schools. He stressed that commission has created 13 standards, which should be met by textbooks, while said that even during this year there is opportunity to withdrawn some texts with improper content, such as: texts of History, Geography, Albanian language but also of Civic Education.

The Minister stressed that few changes can be made only by changing the legal infrastructure, while said that in this year is in agenda also the Draft law for textbooks.

During this meeting was discussed about the issue of students’ heavy bags, textbook for students of the Presheva Valley, supply of Bosnian and Turkish community with textbooks, maintenance of textbooks and their return, the created stocks with textbooks, etc. Minister Bajrami revealed plans for regulation of these issues, with special emphasis release of students from heavy burden of school bags, for which he said that it’s a global problem, but emphasized that they are working uninterrupted to find long-term solution.

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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