Minister Bajrami is visiting several schools during the State Matura Exam

June 22, 2015

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami is making visits in several testing centres, to see from close how is going the process of the State Matura Exam (second part), which this year is subject of around 33 thousand secondary school students. 

Minister Bajrami initially has visited students, which are being tested in the testing centre of vocational school “28 Nentori” in Prishtina, and then also the students in gymnasium “Hivzi Sylejmani’ in Fushe Kosova. 

During the visit in the school “28 Nentori”, minister Bajrami said that second day of State Matura, according to the information we possess, has started without any problem and it seems that everything is okay. “There is seriousness and commitment of students and we wish that all to understand that the State Matura is also a national test for our maturity to administer such an important process”. 

Ministers Bajrami stressed that students, administrators and school principals are dedicated just like in the first day of examination. “In first the part, Matura has been successful and has been the best organized so far by MEST”.

Minister Bajrami was expressed certain that even now will go well. “We are aware of some manipulations, who through social networks are manipulating and do not help students, but they are obstructed, because students are educated and they have no need for this”, was expressed the minister, while emphasized that these manipulators are being followed and towards them will be taken measures by MEAT together with Kosova Police, just as it was done in the first half of Examination. He stressed that these measures will be taken not to harm students but to remove manipulators from a very important process of the education system”. 

Minister Bajrami said that he has complete faith to the teachers, administrators, school principals and all those that are involved in the process, but stressed that he has greatest trust to students, who are determined that in State Matura exam to express their knowledge and to take real results.  

During the time of the Matura Exam, minister Bajrami will also other schools.

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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