Minister Bajrami hosted TUESC representatives

January 13, 2016

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami hosted today in the meeting the chairman of the Trade Union of Education, Science and Culture (TUESC), Mr. Rrahman Jasharaj and finance manager of the Union Mr. Ymer Ymeri. 

In this meeting was discussed for implementation of Law for pension financed schemes by the state, concretely for article 8, point 6 of this article, under which these years are recognized as respective contribution years to education employees of 1989/99, but which is in disproportion with a decision of the Government of Kosova.
Minister Bajrami promised to TUESC representatives its maximum commitment at government level, so that this issue is resolved, so that teachers, upon retirement, to enjoy employment retirement. 

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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