Minister Bajrami has notified Ministers of Education of different countries for the Kosovar education reform

January 18, 2016

At the round table organized by the British Council within the World Education Forum framework 2016, which is being held in London, minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami has met ministers participating in this round table, and notified them for the reform process in education, with special emphasis in the vocational education field and its linkage with labour market needs, for the purpose of the youth employment. 

Minister Bajrami during tomorrow’s day will develop bilateral meetings with other ministers of education, to discuss about opportunities for cooperation expansion, and for support in the necessary reforms for quality increase in education. Also, during the following day Minister Bajrami will be hosted by representatives of the British Government institutions. 

The proceedings of this Forum, where are participating over 90 ministers of education from different countries of the world, will last till 21st January of this year.

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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