Minister Bajrami is taking part at the World Education Forum 2016 in London

January 18, 2016

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Prof. Dr. Arsim Bajrami, at the invitation of Mr. Jo Johnson MP, Minister for Universities and Science and Mr. Rt Hon Nicky Morgan, State Secretary for education, is staying on an official visit in Great Britain to take part at the World Education Forum 2016, which is being held in London from 18 till 21 January of this year.

In this annual forum, in which ministers of education from many world countries are participating, different topics will be discussed on education and technology, vocational education and labour market, and opportunities and challenges facing the field of education in general.

During this visit, minister Bajrami will have meetings also with counterparts and different representatives of the educational and scientific institutions of different world countries, while the subject of these meetings will be vocational education and the new image of the Republic of Kosova.

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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