The Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Arbërie Nagavci, the ambassador of Austria, George Schnetzer, the director of Save the Children in Switzerland, Alex Brans, the executive director of Save the Children in Kosova, Ahmet Kryeziu and the director of the Eye of Vision organization, Veton Mujaj, launched the project “Empowering the vulnerable communities of Kosovo through better and equal access to the labor market”.
This project will be implemented in partnership with the organizations Syri i Visionit and Nevo Koncepti, while it will be financed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), with the funds of the Austrian Development Cooperation.

On this occasion, Minister Nagavci said that the project, which offers support in the development of future professionals and the connection of education with the labor market, is in line with the Government’s policies for comprehensive education with equal opportunities for all.
Nagavci stressed that it is the duty of the institutions to support the empowerment of girls and boys of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities, with appropriate knowledge and skills for dignified and sustainable work.
The Ambassador of Austria, George Schnetzer announced that the project aims to achieve two results, first by June 2026 to ensure that 1050 boys and girls, who have been identified as high-risk individuals, to successfully complete lower secondary education and secondly, to ensure that by this time, 400 boys and girls from these communities, namely from Ferizaj, Fushë Kosova, Gjakova, Peja, Prizren, South and North Mitrovica, gain skills to access the labor market.
The director of Save the Children in Switzerland, Alex Brans, the executive director of Save the Children in Kosova, Ahmet Kryeziu and the director of the organization Syri i Vizioni, Veton Mujaj, also spoke about the importance of the project, who estimated that young people from vulnerable communities will to benefit from opportunities for education and employment in the future.
The project, which will benefit 12,850 girls and boys from 13 lower secondary schools and 13 vocational schools, will be implemented in seven municipalities of Kosova.

Last modified: February 29, 2024