MEST marked World Day for the safe internet

February 9, 2016

Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mrs. Anila Statovci – Demaj has taken part at the Conference for marking the World Day for the safe internet “Act for safe internet”, organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, in cooperation with the Kosovar Committee for the Day of the Safe internet and Centre for advanced studies FIT.

Deputy Minister Statovci-Demaj has stressed that Kosova is moving toward the digitalization trend and modern education, where the use of internet is understandable

Statovci-Demaj assessed that discussion of safe internet use is an extraordinary important topic, being that children since birth through parents as stakeholders are being part of the internet, while to the active or passive use of the internet are being exposed at an early age.

“Ministry of Education pertains to deal in active manner with determination of standards for right and effective use of the internet”, stressed Statovci-Demaj, while spoke also for launching of the E-education information portal, which includes in itself all stakeholders, that are part of pre-university education system and provides attraction in learning.   

“Day for safe internet” from 2015 is marked by Insafe network with center in Brussels, in order to increase the safety and protection from risks on the internet. Since this time part of the network are over 100 world states, while from 2014 is as member even Kosova through Kosovar Committee for the Day of Safe internet – KCDSI. MEST like many other institutions is part of KCDSI.

Besides, MEST at the conference presented their work about children protection in internet, relevant institutions like: Agency for personal data protection, Kosova Police, Post and Telecom of Kosova, Centre for advanced studies FIT and Kosova Education Centre – KEC.

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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