The Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation has organized the health promotion week in schools, with the theme “Comprehensive sexual education in schools”, where from October 9 to 13 it is planned to organize informational and awareness sessions with students, parents and teachers of different levels of pre-university education.
These activities aim to address the comprehensive school health component, which is defined as an integrated approach to health promotion, with the aim of education and information to learn and implement healthy behaviors.
During a visit to the “Sami Frashëri” school, where the topic “Sexual education in schools” was discussed, Minister Arbërie Nagavci emphasized that this is an important topic, because today students have endless access to content and information related to sexual health, which are not always presented in ways appropriate to the child’s age and understanding.
“Maintaining health is the most essential part of our lives, where the health of our children and young people has a special place. In Kosova, comprehensive sexual education is an integral part of the Kosova Curriculum Framework”, Minister Nagavci said.
The minister also said that, seeing the need that health education has in the formation of a healthy society, MAShTI has created appropriate policies for the education of young people through a series of documents, the drafting of manuals and the organization of trainings with teachers in all municipalities of Kosova.
“Children and adolescents deserve to have accurate medical, scientific, physiological and psychological information. This is the only way we prepare them properly for the future”, said Nagavci.
Minister Nagavci congratulated the cross-sectoral working group and UNFPA, for the drafting of 3 assistant manuals for teachers for level 1-5, level 6-9, as well as level 10-12, adding that the Ministry of Education remains committed to the preservation and advancement of children’s health in educational institutions.
The head of UNFPA, Visare Mujko Nimani, said that MAShTI is the first ministry in the region that has successfully addressed the issue of sexual education and introduced it as a teaching subject in schools, which is why it is being taken as a model in the region.

Last modified: October 11, 2023